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I have neglected both this blog and web site for the past year. I could ramble on with a number of excuses but that would be a waste of time. I am going to try to accompany every video with a blog entry in addition to other articles on saw milling etc. This site also needs a lot of updating, I don't think I have done any major updates to it in over 2 years. During this down time over the next few weeks while I wait for my new Sawmill to be ready I should have some free time to get this site back up to speed. The new sawmill will be here hopefully in about 3 to 4 weeks unless they run into any production delays. With this post covid world parts are getting harder to produce and ascertain for manufacturing of all kinds not just sawmills. I have been asked a lot on what the new sawmill is going to be but that will have to wait until I gets here. In my next blog post I will give out a few more clues on the new sawmill for those that are interested.

For those that are subscribed to this blog I appreciate your time and interest. More to come, lots more.



After a few weeks of designing and web site building the new company that will handle all our T Shirts have completed the first designs and added them to our page on their site. Farm Focused will now handle all our current and future Shirts/Merch for Out Of The Woods. This will be a much better system than we offered in the past. With Farm Focused there are no more pre orders which result in waiting for weeks to get your shirt. They also offer International shipping which is something we have not offered in the past. Please take some time to check out the link below and look over the first offerings we have on their site. In the coming weeks we will be adding more as designs are completed.

Either click or cut and paste the link below:


After a lot of request and emails we finally came up with a T shirt that has the saying said most on the channel "Get The Pith Out."

The shirts is being offered on our Tee Spring site. It comes in white and and has the signature OTW beard logo on the back. Follow the link to get yours.

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