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Taking the edge into my own hands.

I haven't had a lot of videos lately on the YouTube channel. The biggest reason has been both the rain and my son Bruno graduated Kindergarten last week and is now home for the summer. My wife works shift work at a local factory so most of my summer is usually spent with Bruno, which is alright with me, but results in a lack of videos/sawmill work. However after we get through this first transition of summer vacation I should be back on the mill by next week.

The photo above (stock photo from WM Site) is of the Wood-Mizer BMS250 sharpener. I picked it up earlier this week at the local UPS shipping warehouse. This was a surprisingly large tool that required it to be shipped on a pallet. And since I live on a dead end street shipments like this must be picked up at the loading dock. This is the sharpener I vowed to get last fall after winning the Wood-Mizers best contest. I received 1k in store credit from that contest which covered alot of the cost for the sharpener. It is still in the box in my garage and will be getting a video/un-boxing type in a few days. I also will have to build a small stand for this sharpener to be mounted onto. I have ordered some shop casters as well for easy move ability.

And in case you are wondering I am also going to be ordering a setter in the next few weeks. A sharpener without one is just not a good idea.

Hope you all are having a good start of summer wherever you are in the world and I will be back with videos/content very soon. Thanks for your ongoing support of my content it is much appreciated.

Also expect another blog post this evening.


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